Samurai Jack Season 5 Episode 7

I’ve been watching the latest Samurai Jack limited edition series. And I must it’s pretty good. The only concern that which I have, right now,  is whether or not Jack defeats Aku and get’s back to the past. The way it’s dragging out right now, it doesn’t appear so. And honestly, it wouldn’t surprise me. The show ended unexpectedly/unfinished a few years ago, so why would they finally end it now. Plus from what I understand, this limited edition series, the episodes are very short. So…yeah. So, I guess we’ll just have to see what happens when the end is near for this finally season.

Dark Souls III Difficulty

So recently I’ve been playing the latest Dark Souls series, Dark Souls III. And I must say it’s pretty good. However, I must say that I’ve never played any of the series. And this video can contest to that. I’m struggle with it. Despite how great it is, why would Bandai put a boss fight in the very beginning of the game? Your character isn’t even developed enough to have any advantage that would help to defeat said boss. You start out with nothing. The other thing that kind of bothers me is that you can’t adjust the control settings to your liking. Now, I don’t know if this is true for Xbox One or for PC. But for PS4, yes. Some of the control settings, for certain action moves, don’t work out very well. They kind of mesh as one. Despite my difficulties, I’m going to continue to play the game. If anyone here has a suggestion on how to defeat the first boss, leave a comment.

$50 Gift Card Surprise

On December 31, 2015, I had woken up to an unexpected surprise. At around 7:30 am, I logged into to my Twitter, to see what my friends/people I follow were doing. When I logged in, I noticed I had 10 notifications, plus one direct message. I immediately knew the reason why I had 10 notifications. A certain YouTuber, whom I follow, was streaming live on YouTube and Mobcrush the night before. Loyal fans of this YouTuber, liked and re-tweeted my likes of his tweets. As for the direct message, I wasn’t sure. When I clicked on the message, to my great surprise, it was the YouTuber, JoblessGarrett. Apparently sometime last night he was giving away $50 gift cards to his most loyal fans. However, he only chose 10 people. Apparently, I was one those 10. I was completely in shock. I was like “Ugh…..Ugh…..Ugh…WHAT?! At first I thought this was a joke. But it wasn’t. It was 100% legit. His message basically said that I was one the $50 gift card winners and that the card is of my choosing. It could go towards amazon, psn, steam, etc, etc. I told him lets do amazon. He said ok, and gave me the amazon code. The code worked and now I have $50 in my amazon account. Thanks Garrett!

If you want to find Garrett’s YouTube channel, click the appending link.
